The LivingWorks ASIST experience
ASIST is a two-day face-to-face workshop featuring powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations.
At an ASIST workshop, you'll learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing a skilled intervention, and developing a safety plan to keep someone alive. Two knowledgeable, supportive trainers will guide you through the course, ensuring your comfort and safety.
ASIST is proven effective
Like all of LivingWorks' core programs, LivingWorks ASIST is evidence-based. Here's what over 30 peer-reviewed studies and government reports on LivingWorks ASIST found:
Improves trainee skills and readiness
Safe for trainees, with no adverse effects from training
Interventions shown to increase hope and reduce suicidality
Training shown to increase general counseling and listening skills
Saving lives and costs, yielding return on investment of up to 50:1
ASIST's role in suicide prevention
ASIST trainees make their communities safer from suicide by providing life-saving interventions. They're a vital resource that trainees in connector programs—such as LivingWorks safeTALK—can call to help others.
ASIST is a two-day (15-hour) intensive, interactive and practice dominated course designed to help caregivers recognize signs and learn how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. 15 Continuing Education Contact Hours For BBS, BRN and CAS may be available.
For more information or to schedule a training for your group or yourself,
call 209-533-1397 x226
Funding for training provided through Tuolumne County Behavioral Health Dept.